Long-term neglect of your oral health comes with consequences. Lack of oral care can lead to stained, damaged, decayed, or missing teeth due to problems with cavities, oral infections, and gum disease. Dr. Matthew Scaffa from Dental Art Concepts PLLC offers a solution to help restore your oral health through complete dental reconstruction. Visiting your dentist in Staten Island, New York, will help determine if full mouth restoration suits you.
What to Expect from Complete Dental Reconstruction
Full dental restoration is generally reserved for people with major problems with their gums and teeth. Depending on the issues that must be addressed, you may require multiple dental procedures to restore your smile’s health, appearance, and functionality. These procedures could include root canals, implants or bridges, dental crowns, veneers, periodontal therapy, tooth extraction, and other cosmetic and restorative treatments.
The goal of complete dental reconstruction is to restore the quality of your smile. Dr. Scaffa and our team will improve your teeth and gum health, chewing power, speech clarity, and oral health. You will also develop good oral care habits and a healthy smile to maintain long-term oral health.
Actual Patient Before After Results
Here are some of the lifelong benefits you can reap through dental reconstruction services:
Full Tooth Functionality This treatment entails fixing problems with decayed, damaged, misaligned, or diseased teeth to restore tooth functionality. You’ll be able to bite and chew food without experiencing pain or discomfort. With full chewing power, you can eat various nutritious and delicious foods. You can also smile confidently with bright, healthy teeth that are fully restored.
A Smile That’s Aesthetically Pleasing A full mouth restoration will eliminate typical cosmetic problems due to stained, damaged, misaligned, or missing teeth to give your smile a pleasing appearance. Dr. Scaffa may incorporate procedures like veneers, dental crowns, tooth whitening, and clear aligner therapy into your treatment to achieve the results you desire. With an attractive smile, you can live a full and active lifestyle without worrying about the state of your teeth.
Better Oral Health Better oral health is one of the most significant advantages of complete dental reconstruction. Dr. Scaffa and our team will treat current oral health problems to prevent further damage to your gums and teeth. We’ll then put protective practices in place to keep your smile healthy in the long term. In so doing, we can protect your oral health for the future.
Improved Quality of Life You’ll feel the full impact of reconstructive therapy on the quality of your life. You’ll be able to eat comfortably, speak clearly, smile confidently, and maintain good oral hygiene after your treatment, enabling you to live the lifestyle you enjoy most. A healthy, functional, and attractive smile can lead to closer relationships, improved social life, better opportunities at work, and a brighter, happier outlook for your future.